Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lies, Lies, Lies

My momma raised me to be an honest gal, maybe that is why I continue to be amazed at the dishonesty I see everywhere.  Some people seem to have the ability to lie instilled in them, as if it is a gift given from the devil at birth.  When these lies are told in front of little eyes it is an ability they pick up and so the cycle continues.  When I was a child I got my bottom busted if I was caught telling a lie.  It wasn't an art to be handed down to each generation, it was an offense punishable by swift action of a switch.  It wasn't child abuse, it was teaching me what was acceptable and what was not.  What should be considered child abuse is teaching multiple children to be so dishonest.  I know, I'm on a rant tonight.  I'm just sick to my stomach as a watch a mother of 5 tell so many lies.  She lies to her children, her family, to every single person in her life, including herself.  So many lies have been told that the truth can no longer be found.  It's just sad.  Watching Cops, you see the police take drugs out of a person's pocket and hear, "That's not mine, I didn't even know it was there."  Really?!  Politicians lie publicly and actually make a career of it.  Companies lie to their employees, TV ads lie to the general public, the news "twist" the truth to meet their station's agenda.  Lies, lies, lies.  It's time we take a stand and stop letting it be the norm to lie.  Vote the Politicians out of office, boycott products, turn the channel.  If there are no consequences the lies will continue and if they are rewarded they will be taught to future generations. Is the truth too much to ask for?  I don't think so, but it has to start at home and work it's way outward.  We may not be able to control the lies outside of our homes but we can refuse to make them wanted house guest inside of them.  Just a thought.

~ Chelle

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