Monday, February 22, 2016

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tsunami of Heroin

A tsunami of heroin has gained momentum from surrounding states and came crashing into our small community.  It's murky water has seeped into every crevice leaving a sludge that traps its victims in a fight for their life and leaves their families helpless. I know, my brother fell prey and we watched helplessly as the toxic waters of heroin pulled him under deeper and deeper. Yes, he willingly took the first hit in a moment of weakness most will perhaps never understand, but then the tsunami literally swept him away.  Thankfully, God intervened and he was arrested. If it was not for that arrest I truly believe this would be a very different story I'm writing. Heroin was drowning the very life from his body. 

I am grateful to law enforcement for their arrest, but this isn't something they can fix. The roots run too deep. The drugs are flowing like a never ending well into a society thirsty for more. More love, more money, more time, more.... A society looking for something to flush away their problems, their feelings... A quick fix that floods their body with poison, drowns their families with emotional turmoil and unrest, and acts as a tidal wave smashing against a community with toxins that pollutes the very ground that generations will tread for untold years. These drugs are embedded in our families, our lives,our communities. I truly believe drugs like heroine are the devil and drug dealers are peddling death. They have no regard for life and prey on an addiction that is reaching epidemic proportions. No one is immune. Not the rich, the poor. The healthy, the sick. It doesn't care what race you are, it wants your soul and with every hit it comes a little closer to taking it. 

I'm angry! I'm crushed! My heart aches for the families going through this. I am thankful for my brothers life and sadly, I am thankful for his incarceration. I am saddened for the ones who have lost the fight and the families that have to carry on- not to mention the unfair shame thrust upon then, unwilling victims in a fight they didn't ask for.  I want to encourage the ones on the road to recovery, with God, you CAN overcome this. I am livid at the ones making it and their minions that push it! Yet society tells me to sweep it under the carpet. We don't talk about that, it's a personal thing or its a family thing. Wake up people, it's everywhere and I'm here to tell you, it's a people thing. It can happen to anyone at anytime. Not one person or family is immune.  I know, it happen to mine. ~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Thursday, November 6, 2014

PMDD Demons

The PMDD demons were raging in my head today. Who am I kidding? They were seeping into every creavace of my being. There was seemingly no escape from them, they extended themselves outward inviting other negativity to their party. If there was a crazy person calling in, I was sure to get the call. Someone unhappy, send them my way. Then there were the technical problems with my phone and computer. *** sighs *** I was a magnet drawing the negative in, a sponge absorbing every technical glitch possible. At the same time, my energy was being sucked out of me like water trickling from a faucet and this well was about to run dry.

The assault is never on one level. It tends to hit in every area of my life and believe me these demons were running wild and hitting hard (and not playing fair). I really wanted to curl up with a heating pad and shut the world out, the trouble with that is I'd lay there and think and guess what? Yep, I would not be in control... My thoughts would grow out of control.

I headed out for my walk and turned my praise music all the way up. I prayed as I rehashed the day in my head and then let it go. I watched the clouds and found myself singing outloud. When my walk was over there was a peaceful silence, the PMDD demons were gone. I won today's battle ;) ~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Tuesday, October 28, 2014