Sunday, March 9, 2014

Roller Coaster of Life

The roller coaster of life with depression is full of twist and turns. Many may get tired of hearing about this ride but for someone on it, it is never ending.  Just when you think you have it beat the bottom drops out and you find yourself free falling for what seems like forever before you feel the cart hit the curve and you begin the upward climb out of it. The long climb expends every bit of energy you have. When you make it to the top you feel a rush of relief. Life seems clearer up here as you look out over it. You remain transfixed in that moment of time. Perhaps for days, weeks, maybe even months before you start to teeter. Any number of things can push you over that edge and before you know it, you once again feel that catch in the pit of your stomach as your emotions come rushing down. You don't know whether to scream or cry, it doesn't feel like you will ever get off this ride. So you stay buckled in and take each turn as it comes. You face each hill with determination and each dip with a resolve of not giving up. Every one has a track of some sort to travel. On mine, I have learned to enjoy the moments before I plunge and remember them as I trek uphill. The ride might be never ending but with that comes the promise that there will always be a top to view from, moments along the way to cherish, and dips that you will always recover from. Roller coaster ride? Yes, but I'm up for the challenge.

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

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