These rice fields appear to be completely flooded. All you see are these vast areas of water with little crawl fish traps bobbing up from them. How could a plant not just survive but thrive when it is being drown in water? The answer is unbelieving simple, it is necessary for it's growth. It is fed nutrients deep into its roots, cleansed, and prepared to blossom; all through the purging process.

Isn't that much like what God sometimes must do in our lives? Perhaps we start to get too comfortable where we are at or maybe we have wondered away from the voice of God. Being complacent is not living and when life is so busy it drowns out the voice of God it is not acceptable. Life should be a constant growing and learning process. The journey of life should also bring us closer to God. That growth needs to be rejuvenated when we our lives become clouded, stagnate, or even stumped. Much like the rice, God needs to purge us, cleanse us, and force us to grow in Him. This isn't an easy process, it feels like we are bobbing to keep our heads above water. At times, we feel completely submerged by the worldly turmoil around us.
Then something amazing begins to happen. Sprouts of life begin to poke up through the submerged waters. As the water receds, we find an abundance of life. We didn't drown, we were cleansed. We didn't die, we were renewed. Our growth can now flourish and as it does the most amazing thing happens... others begin to reap from our amazing journey. The process was difficult; but look at you now, others are encouraged and learning through you. Inevitably, you will aid them in their growth process too. Look at God, He is good! He has it all planned out so instead of being discouraged by your purging, be encouraged and excited at what will become of it!
~ Chelle
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