Thursday, November 6, 2014

PMDD Demons

The PMDD demons were raging in my head today. Who am I kidding? They were seeping into every creavace of my being. There was seemingly no escape from them, they extended themselves outward inviting other negativity to their party. If there was a crazy person calling in, I was sure to get the call. Someone unhappy, send them my way. Then there were the technical problems with my phone and computer. *** sighs *** I was a magnet drawing the negative in, a sponge absorbing every technical glitch possible. At the same time, my energy was being sucked out of me like water trickling from a faucet and this well was about to run dry.

The assault is never on one level. It tends to hit in every area of my life and believe me these demons were running wild and hitting hard (and not playing fair). I really wanted to curl up with a heating pad and shut the world out, the trouble with that is I'd lay there and think and guess what? Yep, I would not be in control... My thoughts would grow out of control.

I headed out for my walk and turned my praise music all the way up. I prayed as I rehashed the day in my head and then let it go. I watched the clouds and found myself singing outloud. When my walk was over there was a peaceful silence, the PMDD demons were gone. I won today's battle ;) ~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Depression is Real

I'm really saddened to hear about the death of Robin Williams. He was such a talented man and it is a heartbreaking loss. So many of the media sources are mentioning his fight with depression and addictions. That pulled at my heart in the most profound way.

Depression is so real and a struggle I wrestle with. You've seen my post, it's almost like a war waged within myself. My heart breaks to think of the people out there suffering in silence. I've made my fight public so other people suffering can know they are not alone and they too can wave their flags with me, you don't have to face this demon alone. Don't allow this war to consume you, WE can get through this together. My heart was just so heavy after hearing this news tonight. Please feel free to text me any time you need a lift, you don't even have to tell me your name, 225-302-0295

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Shine Bright

He's Waiting

Feel like your world is caving in? Perhaps you feel you can't win. Lines have been twisted and crossed. Oh my, your feeling completely lost. The strength you seek comes from above. Dear child, draw on it from God's love. He'll pull you up when you are down. In life' s darkest times He alone will turn it around!  All you have to do is ask.  Is that really a hard task? The devil has only one ploy, that is to seek and destroy. Don't listen to the lies he feeds, God alone is all you need.  Sometimes your world has to be completely shaken before you can change the path you've taken.  Ask God to guide you each day and enlighten you in His ways.  Watch Him begin to lead and meet each of Your needs.  He's calling you to come home and you have a direct line, He's available anytime.  Say yes and He will lift you out of your mess!

~ Chelle #f8ithgal

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Mere Flower

My stems and limbs begin to droop 
As evening begins to set in for it's nightly loop
My small buds clench their eyes closed tight
While my delicate flowers cling to the vine as not to take flight
The wind twist and turns us all about
God is our maker so we have no worry or doubt
To the outward eye I appear weak with my blooms cast down
You mistake my peaked color as a fading frown 
What you don't know is I bow in prayer through the night
I reach out in praise toward the morning light
My colors come back so bright and clear
God was there through the blackest night standing near
He fed me, clothed me, and provided a way 
My God blessed me to see another day
I am a mere flower on a vine 
You are a child of God with a direct line
His power resides in YOU
Call on Him child of God, that's all you need to do!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bigger Doesn't Mean Better!

I was working away at my desk today when I suddenly thought, "I love my job."  I began to reflect back to a time not that far ago.  A higher position with higher pay; a luxury apartment with all the bells and whistles.  Stressed. Overworked. Discontent. I scribbled a note in my "little" notebook, one of my favorite Christmas gifts.  After work, I found my chillow eased my neck pain.  These gifts may seem small to someone on the outside looking in, but the significance of them to me is beyond words.  I use my notebook to scribble my thoughts when I don't have time to type them out.  That chillow has given me many hours of pain relief.  I don't have a dishwasher or pool, but I'm content where I am at. Having the biggest doesn't necessarily mean the best.  The best actually comes from within and what you choose to fill that spot with.  Some of the best things in my life are seemingly the smallest.  God is good like that!

~ Chelle, f8ithgal

Monday, May 19, 2014

Inside Reflections

If you have followed me on this journey for very long you know I have what I call "ugly" days, "fat" days, and, yes, "pretty" days. Today I was blessed with a "pretty" day.  I began to reflect on these various days. I'm the same person every day, yet some days I look in the mirror and think blah, what a trainwreck. Other days I might look in the same mirror and see this fat lady staring back (even though I hadn't gained a pound).  Then there are those days when I look in yet the same mirror and think how pretty I look today.

What gives? It's the same person, same mirror. How can I view myself so completely different on any given day? Today it hit me, how I view myself is an outer reflection to what I am feeling internally. When I am at peace within it reflects through the smile on my face. Reversaly, when I'm not content it also reflects the negative image that I perceive of myself. 

I think we all have "ugly" days from time to time. It becomes an issue when the "ugly" days start to devour the "pretty" days. How do we tilt the ball back into our favor? Focus on the positive. It goes right back to what God has been weighing in my heart. You have to make a conscious effort to maintain a positive mindset.

Our thoughts are huge. The devil knows this, so he is constantly bombarding them with negative things. We need to speak life into our lives. When that negative thoughts creep in cancel it with a positive thought. When that mirror says uggggg, say God made me in His image and I am beautiful! 

I have no doubt, "ugly" days will attempt to infiltrate mind again, but I am determined to not let them take up residence. Today is a "pretty" day and I am thankful to see my inner beauty flowing on the outside. Thanks for taking the time to read my nightly rambles.

~ Chelle

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Rice Fields of Life

The rice fields have simply amazed me the last several times we traveled throughout Louisiana. God began using them to really speak to my heart.  Things in my life had been to accumulate into an overwhelming mess or so I thought...

These rice fields appear to be completely flooded.  All you see are these vast areas of water with little crawl fish traps bobbing up from them.  How could a plant not just survive but thrive when it is being drown in water?  The answer is unbelieving simple, it is necessary for it's growth.  It is fed nutrients deep into its roots, cleansed, and prepared to blossom; all through the purging process.


Isn't that much like what God sometimes must do in our lives?  Perhaps we start to get too comfortable where we are at or maybe we have wondered away from the voice of God.  Being complacent is not living and when life is so busy it drowns out the voice of God it is not acceptable.  Life should be a constant growing and learning process. The journey of life should also bring us closer to God. That growth needs to be rejuvenated when we our lives become clouded, stagnate, or even stumped. Much like the rice, God needs to purge us, cleanse us, and force us to grow in Him.  This isn't an easy process, it feels like we are bobbing to keep our heads above water.  At times, we feel completely submerged by the worldly turmoil around us.

Then something amazing begins to happen.  Sprouts of life begin to poke up through the submerged waters.  As the water receds, we find an abundance of life.  We didn't drown, we were cleansed.  We didn't die, we were renewed.  Our growth can now flourish and as it does the most amazing thing happens... others begin to reap from our amazing journey.  The process was difficult; but look at you now, others are encouraged and learning through you.  Inevitably, you will aid them in their growth process too.  Look at God, He is good!  He has it all planned out so instead of being discouraged by your purging, be encouraged and excited at what will become of it!

~ Chelle

Monday, May 12, 2014

PMS Demons

The PMS demons are winning tonight.  I seem too weak to focus on the battle they have waged.  Their piercing arrows laced with fear take aim at my heart while their nasty pitch forks of doubt poke into my mind.  My soul weeps, for what?  I don't even know.  The tears continue to flow, not even quenched by the heat boiling out of these creatures.  They bombard me with nightmares of the past, my vision is clouded from their smoke, and confusion seems to abound all around me.  Suddenly the water pouring my my eyes starts to dampen their ground.  I can see them sinking before my eyes, back into the depths of hell that they crawled out of.  A cleansing is taking place with each drop that falls, they can not survive the pure waters.  Light starts to seep through the broken cracks of my heart now piercing through the darkness.  My soul is renewed.  I'm taking back this battle and forcing my mind to comply.  I am a child of the light, the darkness can not win.  A battle they may gain, but the war is mine in the end.

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Monday, May 5, 2014


Karma. What goes around comes back around, right? Indeed. It does. I used to think this was a good thing. I can't remember how many times I've said, "she will regret that when it comes back and bites her in the butt" or "he'll get what he deserved." If we are honest with ourselves, I bet we've all said it a lot in life. 

I saw karma face to face today, in full force. She was raging, bitter, and just mean. I wasn't on the receiving end but felt the pain just the same. The horrible thing this person had done to me, all I  had been put through, bounced back like a rubber band snapping against the person flipping it. My anger turned into a deep sadness with the understanding of the depth of their pain.  I no longer wanted them to hurt as I had been. In fact, my soft heart just wanted to take away their pain. I no longer wanted karma to exact her revenge on my behalf, my heart longed to make it all better.

I still had the feeling of brokenness. It didn't change the feeling of being betrayed. The seeds of mistrust had still been planted. Ahhhhh, but healing had started to take root with the seeds of forgiveness. I began to think of Christ's forgiveness in my life. Where would I be with out it. While wishing karma on someone can easily be understood to someone on the outside looking in, I think I need to choose a different route. Perhaps a prayer for my Heavenly Father to touch their heart and protect them from the karma they created.... and a prayer for myself to forgive the offenses against me with the same love and heart of Jesus. These were my thoughts tonight. 

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Storms out of control
Life drifting in the water
Trying not to let go

~ Chelle Prell, "#f8ithgal"

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Walking in the sun
Determined to get it done
Gonna make it fun

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Monday, April 14, 2014


The rain is pouring
The storm, strangely alluring 
My soul is soaring

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Cleansing Drops

Cleansing from up high
Raindrops falling from the sky
Like tears from my eye

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Blessed Blessed Blessed!

Blessed blessed blessed
yes yes yes
It's time to worry less
and trust that I am blessed
Despite all my mess
yes yes yes
I am truly blessed!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stolen Silence

Wind rustles the leaves
Neighbors dog barking loudly
Silence can't be found

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Danger Unseen

Golden hues on green
Pollen wafting through the air
Danger goes unseen

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Diamonds Above

Diamonds up above 
Angels bowing down in awe
Fills my heart with love

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal


Storms are blowing through
Thunder and lightening crashes
The earth is renewed

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Bird's Melody

Two birds on a limb
Breeze blowing their melody
Chirping in the wind

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal


A raindrop falling
Like tears sliding down my cheek
Silently dying

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Raining Toilet Paper

We had some rough times growing up with an alcoholic parent.  My mom struggled to make sure we had everything we need.  There are probably hundreds of stories to share, but tonight I have been contemplating the day it rained toilet paper overnight.  Food was a necessity and, at this particular time, toilet paper was a luxury.  A luxury we were completely out of and there was no money to buy any.  We lived next to a wealthy neighborhood that me and my brothers often played in the streets of.  We were playing in those rich streets when we came across something we had never seen before.  God had rained toilet paper down all over this house, yard, trees, everywhere.  How else could you explain it to a child?  It wasn't just pieces of toilet paper it was roll after roll just thrown up and over things so that most of every roll was still intact. We were amazed, our eyes were probably as big as quarters as we began to gather these huge rolls in our little arms. We ran home to show our momma the toilet paper that had showered down overnight.

I look back on that day with a smile.  It rained toilet paper.  Okay, maybe it didn't come from the clouds and God certainly doesn't condone defacing someones property.  However, we had a need and my momma had prayed for that need to be met.  What the devil meant for ill for those people's property that was covered God meant for good by providing us with a need and (might I add) helping the family clear the vandalism from their yard.  Wow.  Look at God.  How amazing is that?  Some might think I should be embarrassed by this story, others may gasp as they read, "they couldn't even afford toilet paper?"  I look back on it with a huge smile. Through the eyes of 3 little children, God met our need in an amazing way that day.  Yes, God allowed toilet paper to rain down!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Roller Coaster of Life

The roller coaster of life with depression is full of twist and turns. Many may get tired of hearing about this ride but for someone on it, it is never ending.  Just when you think you have it beat the bottom drops out and you find yourself free falling for what seems like forever before you feel the cart hit the curve and you begin the upward climb out of it. The long climb expends every bit of energy you have. When you make it to the top you feel a rush of relief. Life seems clearer up here as you look out over it. You remain transfixed in that moment of time. Perhaps for days, weeks, maybe even months before you start to teeter. Any number of things can push you over that edge and before you know it, you once again feel that catch in the pit of your stomach as your emotions come rushing down. You don't know whether to scream or cry, it doesn't feel like you will ever get off this ride. So you stay buckled in and take each turn as it comes. You face each hill with determination and each dip with a resolve of not giving up. Every one has a track of some sort to travel. On mine, I have learned to enjoy the moments before I plunge and remember them as I trek uphill. The ride might be never ending but with that comes the promise that there will always be a top to view from, moments along the way to cherish, and dips that you will always recover from. Roller coaster ride? Yes, but I'm up for the challenge.

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Intentional Sacrifice

My mind tried to digest all I have learned from the Made to Crave Bible study as it wraps up today.  It was a difficult six weeks and at times I struggled to stay caught up, but I hung in there and saw it through until the end.  The last several days, okay maybe weeks, God has really been dealing with me on motivation.  Again, okay, laziness.  Yes, laziness.  I haven't wanted to exercise at all, I have written but not nearly enough, and I have put off writing this blog post because I knew once I put it out there things had to change and so it does.

Intentional sacrifice.  That is what it is going to come down to.  I love to sleep, too much.  It is important that I force myself up early everyday to spend time with God and writing BEFORE I am hit with whatever the day holds for me.  Those extra minutes I try to cling to in bed, forcing me to rush into the shower and quickly log into work must be sacrificed.  That time of sitting after I get off work to "relax"  until bed, a portion of it must be scarified to exercise.  Trying to calculate my calories in my head instead of putting them in my app, guessing if I am eating the right amount of calories doesn't work for me.  As a result, I must sacrifice that freedom for a strict calorie regimen and account for EVERY calorie in my app.

Planning.  I need to pencil in my sacred morning time every day before work.  I must create and stick to an exercise program for the week.  Finally, I will have to plan my meals, down to my snacks, daily to force me to stay on track.  Perhaps once I am settled into this lifestyle change I can lighten up a little, perhaps not.  Right now, in this moment of time, I have to put myself under a strict, planned regime or I won't succeed.  God's been telling me this in subtle ways, the Made to Crave Bible study has confirmed it.  I have recognized the areas I lack in and have a plan of action to correct them.  So, today I start a stricter leg of my journey.  These changes sure aren't easy.  It's not fun to admit I am lazy in certain areas of my life; however, changes can't be made without the truth being spoken and accepted.  Laziness be gone!  I can do this, you can do it too.  We can do it together! 

PS If you see me in the morning, ask what time I got up. If you catch me on here right after work, ask me if I have exercised yet!  When you see me on here at night, ask did you go over your calories today?  Yep, it's time to hold my feet to the fire!  Let me know if you would like for me to do the same for you!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Me" Time

Emotional Triggers

I have found there are many factors that trigger my overeating, but none are larger than the emotional ones!  I'm upset, I eat.  I'm angry, I eat.  I'm happy, I eat.  I'm hurt, I eat. I eat and eat and eat some more.  It's good that I recognize this, but that recognition isn't worth much unless I can overcome it.  So, on this leg of my journey I am focused on addressing those factors as they occur and making a purposeful resolve not to reach for food during those times.  I will pray, write, talk it out, read, encourage others, but I will not eat.

Emotional triggers have certainly hindered my progress this month.  I have come to the realization that there will always be ups and downs, that's life.  The enemy will always attempt to use these hills and valleys to sidetrack me and to cause my defeat, that's who he is and what he does.  However, my daddy is The King, my Savior has made me more than a conqueror, and the Holy Spirit will guide my path if I allow Him. 

Knowledge is indeed power.  I am keyed in on the emotional triggers that cause my overeating.  I am equipped and ready for this battle. I will climb the steep hills and weather the shallow valley's. I will do it without a dependance on food.  This is one journey I will not allow the enemy's roadblocks to hinder my progress.  Today is a new day and I chose freedom over the emotions that once bound me to eating.  I'm excited and ready to do this!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014


We've Got This!

Random Acts of Kindness

The "little" things you say and do can often leave a big smile on someones heart, but if you allow them they can also leave a smile on yours as well.  This week's Made to Crave blog topic really resonated with me: "Lysa encourages us to 'fill our afternoons with His thoughts of love toward others' instead of wallowing in discouragement or frustration over our struggles. Do this and share how it does or does not help you."

I have been doing this for awhile without even giving much thought into the impact these acts were having on me.  More specifically, I have been doing the random acts of kindness in general but what if I were to harness the feelings of discouragement and frustration of my days into these acts?  Interesting concept and so I began...

At the end of each day, I always scroll and pray through my FB timeline, "Lord, who needs me today?" and then try to lift and encourage others.  I did this as normal, but as my negative thoughts from the day tried to creep in I would replace them by reaching out to someone else.  Even if it was just an, "I love you" or "I'm proud of you."  I found the negative thoughts fading and a smile creeping in at the thought of making someone else smile and to know they were being thought of and cared about.

For every negative thought, there was an act of kindness.  By the end of the evening, I felt a peace had fallen over me and filled those negative voids.  This is an ongoing process.  Unfortunately, the enemy knows our weaknesses and is constantly seeking to destroy us.  There will always be negatives trying to seep in where they can, but I am armed to fight them.  I have Scripture, my negative/positive journal, and the power of encouraging others behind me.  I also have each of you in my corner and I am in yours.  Let's continue to lift and spur each other on toward the finish line of our goals.  We have God and we have each other, how can we lose?

~ Chelle, #f8ithfal   - Like me on Facebook!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Words You Speak and The Words You Accept

I sit hear in the quietness of our little home, Soundscapes playing lightly, with a mind full of thoughts.  The headaches of been more frequent lately preventing me from writing so I have a million things jumbled into my head.  Many can look at where I lived in Florida and compare it to where I am now and draw a world of conclusions.  I've listened to some of those things over the last week and came to the conclusion it's all how you choose to see it.  I don't have a dishwasher or a pool, yet I am happier than I have ever been.  I haven't "downgraded,"  I have "upgraded."  I don't see a "dump", I see a cozy little place filled with love.  This is a temporary place as God moves us to the next leg of our journey and I am going to appreciate and be happy in it.

Be careful and mindful of the words you speak to others.  Those words can sting and hurt or lift and encourage.  Be even more careful of the words you accept into your life.  They can bring you down or lift you up.  Just a little something that was on my heart this morning.  I pray I am a light and encouragement to you in a sometimes dark and cruel world.  If I have ever wronged you with the words I have spoken I apologize.  Words may not break your bones, but if you allow them they can break your spirit.  Don't ever give anyone that power over you and if you have that power over someone else please use it with care.  That's all for now (but I have lots more crammed into this head).  I love you guys, have a great and blessed weekend!

~ Chelle Prell, # F8ithgal

Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Small Victory

I do believe I had a victory today.  I eat the same thing for breakfast almost daily: a piece of biscotti, a yogurt, and coffee with just a little creamer. This morning, I found myself full after just the yogurt.  Yes, it is a small step toward progress but a step in the right direction.  We have to rejoice in the smallest of victories because they snowball into larger ones down the road.  I just wanted to share that thought.  What can you rejoice in?  Nothing is too small when it is a step in the right direction!

~ Chelle, f8ithgal

You Rock

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014


# Peace

Peace can be defined as a state of tranquility or quiet.  It was our Made to Crave Bible study word of the week and poses an interesting question, is it possible to make peace with the realities of our bodies?  I'm not sure about you but before I began my the journey to the new old me, I don't know that I have ever been at peace with my body.  In high school and into college, I felt I had too many curves.  It seemed guys wanted a pretty thin thing on their arms and this girl looked like an hour glass.  As I got older, the pounds began to mount and any positive image of myself seemed to deteriorate with each pound gained.  No, there was not much "quiet" in my weight, on some level it has always screamed your not enough, or better perhaps yelled, you are too much!

Now I find myself on this journey to the old new me.  I'm not at all happy with my weight, but I would I be happier if I was back to my high school size?  I may feel that I look better, there may be a level of superficial happiness, but peace?  What I am finding is that peace comes from deeper within.  I have had to face and defeat those demons within me to achieve peace. Those demons that have convinced me I'm not good enough or pretty enough. Loving me isn't just all 226 pounds of the physical me, it's loving the me within.  A state of tranquility can not truly happen until I have found peace within myself.

Am I completely there?  No.  Am I on my way? Absolutely!  Most days I like who I see smiling back at me in the mirror.  Sure, I have my "fat" days where I look in the mirror with a slight frown. On those days, I am conditioning myself to say, "the devil is a liar.  You are beautiful in your own skin!"  It's a process from the inside out.  It's reminding myself not to believe the enemy's lies or even what a portion of society deems pretty.  I have found as I make peace within I find myself making peace at the image staring back at me. I am beautiful and so are you!

~ Chelle Prell, #f8ithgal

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I find myself listening to the rain once again and being reminded of my "The Rains of Life" post over the weekend.  It's only Tuesday and I want to scream isn't it Friday yet!!!! The rains are pouring so hard right now my vision is blurred. I know the sun is coming, it has to be coming, but I just can't see it ahead.  Is it the PMDD, depression, or lack of my medication?  Perhaps a combination of each, they are intertwined in an inseparable kind of way after all.  Now you might be thinking, who gets online and speaks of depression and medication to 107 people. Me of course.  There are thousands of people going through the same thing and, sadly, they struggle alone believing it is not okay to talk about it.  I don't believe God causes depression; however, I do believe He can allow it just as He allowed Job to endure so much.  He can take my struggles and use them so that I can relate to others going through it or to even show others it's okay to sometimes not be okay.  I know, I am rambling tonight.  I just want you each to know you are not alone.  Maybe it's depression, maybe it's something else but we are all going through something and we need each other to get to the other side.  I'm here for you!

~ Chelle #f8ithgal

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Determination, our Made to Crave word last week, is firmness of purpose; resoluteness.  I've been contemplating that word and what it means to me on my journey.  I am determined to get healthy, determined to write more, determined to be more positive, determined to stop the worry and leave it with God... determined, determined, determined, and (hear me sigh) determined.  I have wanted to do those things so many times in the past, started, and then... well nothing.  I just give in, quit, become sidetracked.  There are always "reasons," but let's be real, they are just excuses to fail.

So why would I think this time is different?  My resolve is solid and I have a system of accountability in place.  I don't want to let myself down, you down, and more importantly God down.  I am focused as never before and God is at the center of that focus.  That's not to say I will not get discouraged, last week was huge in the discouragement department.  There were days the enemy flooded me with negativity and I just wanted to quit.  I got behind on my Bible study.  I felt fat and as if I had lost ground.  But guess what?  The devil is a liar.  I had not lost ground, the enemy just wanted me to think that way.  His plan to make me quit was thwarted because I am determined to see this through.

 I'm not perfect and that's okay because God knew that from the start.  He knew every obstacle I would encounter and He has provided me with a Scripture to conquer each of them.  If this was a smooth journey everyone would take it.  If it was all sunshine there would be no moments of success to spur me on.  I wouldn't need determination if it was a cake walk to the goal.  The difficult days will not defeat me, they will give me a greater resolve to press on.  Determination, God has instilled it deep within me for the journey He has set me on.

~ Chelle Prell,#F8ithgal


You ARE Beautiful!

My reward to myself for not giving up this week and believe me there were days when I just wanted to quit! I think everyone should own one of these cups. Not to be vain, but to remind yourself you ARE beautiful (men you ARE handsome) every day! In today's society beauty tends to be diluted with magazines and TV and a small population of thin people. You ARE beautiful just the way you are. You aren't defined by your size or what a magazine deems pretty, shine in your own skin! 

~Chelle #f8ithgal

The Rains of Life

A soft quiet ran fell over the trailer top.  It was soothing as I lay listening to each drop wisp against the tin.  Out of nowhere the rain began to fall with vigor.  It aggressively pelted the tin with a vengeance.  Just as quickly, it subsided and that peaceful rain was tapping the tin again. 

Listening to the rain cycle in and out this morning reminded me of life.  The soft quiet rain was peaceful.  A rain you could walk in with a smile knowing all is well with the world as God waters His beautiful creation.  Perhaps skip with a song in your heart and joy in your countenance.  All is well with you, in your life and each drop that taps lightly reminds you of the peace that has settled over you and your home.

Suddenly their is a shift in the atmosphere.  Not a cloud in the sky to signal a change and the rain begins to pour.  The thunder booms and lightening flashes.  The rain pounds down at an angry pace.  Life is hitting you hard in every direction.  Overwhelmed your first reaction is to retreat, seek shelter within yourself.  You are sure the winds of life are about to become a tornado ripping you from your roots, completely exposing every sensitive area of your life.

Just when you feel the rain is about to flood your life completely, it slows.  It's soft and quiet again.  You look around and see everything is refreshed and like new.  The birds are singing.  The grass seems greener.  Flowers spring up from seemingly nowhere. The hard rains have washed a beautiful peace over everything it touched.

Wow.  The rain mirrors life.  We are living life happy, all is well, and then storms threaten to take our breath away, evaporate our peace.  We cry out, perhaps out of anger or maybe pain.  We want to quit at times, maybe we kick and scream at others.  Yet when the storm passes we are stronger, refreshed, and God has blessed us with a testimony to share with others.  Looking back, He sheltered us through the storm, never allowing enough to completely flood us.  After the rains have settled, we can we see clearly.  We are more focused, refreshed, and prepared for future storms to blow through.  Ahhhh, the rains of life are never easy but very necessary for our growth!

~ Chelle Prell, f8ithgal

Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A January Weight Loss Update

I'm down to 224 lbs which doesn't seem too far in numbers; however, I can feel it in my body.  Last January I weighed 260 lbs.  I started my renewed commitment at 230 lbs.  So, do 6 little pounds make a difference?  Unbelievably, yes!  I don't breathe as heavy, having a positive impact on my asthma.  I have more energy and my confidence is returning.  It's not just the weight, but my outlook that has changed.  I am indeed getting back to the old new me and I am starting to see that gal in the mirror again.

I updated my weight loss photo album with January's picture today.  I chose an up-close shot of my midsection. While it may not be the most flattering, I felt it showed my progress.  I want others to be comfortable in their skin, I can't do that with out being comfortable in my own.  Beauty can be found in every inch of us, thus I decided on the midsection pic. Sometimes we have to embrace a little uneasiness in order to grow into that comfort.

Each of you have inspired me so much in this journey.  On those days I feel down, I log on and think, "I can't let my team down" and I suck it up and find something encouraging to post.  Coach Nina has kept me on track, Terra has been an endless well of encouragement for me, and Chastity and the Made to Crave Bible study are having a definite impact on my thought process and path to success.  I can't think you each enough for taking the time to like my page and read my post.  You drive me to keep going, keep encouraging, and just be me!

~ Chelle

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's Permissable But Is It Beneficial?

I read a Scripture in my "Made To Crave" Bible study this week that really had an impact on my journey.  "Everything is permissable but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive," 1 Corinthians 10:23.  Ponder that Scripture for a moment and reflect on how powerful it could be to your journey.  I have found it to be a huge help in my weight loss journey.  Just because I can have certain foods, doesn't mean I should.  I may keep my calories low enough for a solid week to afford me a large piece of chocolate cake with rich chocolate frosting each day, but how is that cake affect my sugar?  I may still lose weight by staying within my calorie count, yet increase my health risk my running my sugar too high with the selection of foods I consume.

That same verse can used to be carried over into other areas in my life as well.  For example, it is permissible in today's society to speak my mind, but are my words enriching others or tearing them down?  We have all been "taught" to think before we speak but how many of us really do it?  As I decide what to eat, choose what I post, or even what to speak, I will stop and ask myself, "It is permissible, but is it beneficial?"  Not only can this make my journey easier and healthier, but it may encourage another persons journey along the way.

~ Chelle

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Cravings Pesona

My cravings take the form of a black ink blotch. They might start as a mere speck with the desire for a piece of chocolate or sip of coke. As the craving intensifies, the ink seeps out further.  It becomes uncontrollable as it pours forth an urge for a piece of cake, maybe a glass of coke.  Before I know it, the ink has burst and spreads with an intensity for more cake, perhaps a 2-liter of coke will be consumed as the day dissolves.  A tiny dark blotch has spread into a growing black blotch that stains as it spreads through my body.  What form does your cravings take?

~ Chelle


Saturday, January 18, 2014


Oh my goodness the things the last two weeks have held.  The enemy has hit me every which way you could imagine.  He tried to attack my health, my finances, my mind, my relationships, but guess what?  I'm still standing.  Not only am I still standing, but I am more determined than ever to continue on this path I have started and I have a solid resolve to encourage you all along the way. 

My weight loss has been painfully slow, but I haven't gained back what I lost. I bought some special foods today in an attempt to help me hit this monster hard.  Losing weight is just not easy for me, does anyone else have this struggle?  I have regained ground on the health issues and the weather is clearing so I can get my butt moving again!  I'm trying to motivate myself to start Zumba again.  I have not and will not give up.

 I have had a couple of spending mishaps (Nina you are really going to have to hold me accountable in this area).  This would include the very unnecessary ring tone I purchased (on the upside, it is a positive one).  I also purchased a couple of upgrades to apps, a book for the Bible study I am beginning tomorrow, and a devotional that is in line with it.  The apps have been awesome in giving me the templates I have been using to encourage others.  None of these things cost much, probably under $10 for all of it so it hasn't been out of control.  I remember a time of eating out and buying multiple songs on iTunes daily, so I am making progress. But um yeah, got a ways to go!

How are you guys doing on the changes you want to make?  Are you following through?  Is there anything I can do do lift you up along the way?  Is there any area I could write on that would help, any areas I can post on that will aid your journey?  I need you to tell me how I can encourage you to keep going. If you don't want to write it below, please send me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. keep in mind, we are in this TOGETHER!  I am thankful and blessed to be here with each of you.

~ Chelle

Friday, January 17, 2014

You ARE More Than Enough...

For all of my ladies who think you are not pretty or not good enough and all you have to offer is a good heart:

You aren't pretty, you ARE beautiful; you ARE rich in love and blessings; your body IS perfect just the way it is; and, yes, you have a good and warm heart. You are you, the wonderful you that God made you to be!

It's okay to want to make changes for the right reasons. Goodness knows I need to lose this weight for my health, but you need to be comfortable in your own skin and know you are so precious just the way you are! Look in that mirror everyday and tell yourself, I AM a beautiful, blessed woman of God. Speak this daily and before you know it you will be seeing that beauty reflected back, and walking in that beautiful lady's skin with confidence.

~ Chelle

Thursday, January 16, 2014