Sunday, March 30, 2014

Diamonds Above

Diamonds up above 
Angels bowing down in awe
Fills my heart with love

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal


Storms are blowing through
Thunder and lightening crashes
The earth is renewed

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Bird's Melody

Two birds on a limb
Breeze blowing their melody
Chirping in the wind

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal


A raindrop falling
Like tears sliding down my cheek
Silently dying

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Raining Toilet Paper

We had some rough times growing up with an alcoholic parent.  My mom struggled to make sure we had everything we need.  There are probably hundreds of stories to share, but tonight I have been contemplating the day it rained toilet paper overnight.  Food was a necessity and, at this particular time, toilet paper was a luxury.  A luxury we were completely out of and there was no money to buy any.  We lived next to a wealthy neighborhood that me and my brothers often played in the streets of.  We were playing in those rich streets when we came across something we had never seen before.  God had rained toilet paper down all over this house, yard, trees, everywhere.  How else could you explain it to a child?  It wasn't just pieces of toilet paper it was roll after roll just thrown up and over things so that most of every roll was still intact. We were amazed, our eyes were probably as big as quarters as we began to gather these huge rolls in our little arms. We ran home to show our momma the toilet paper that had showered down overnight.

I look back on that day with a smile.  It rained toilet paper.  Okay, maybe it didn't come from the clouds and God certainly doesn't condone defacing someones property.  However, we had a need and my momma had prayed for that need to be met.  What the devil meant for ill for those people's property that was covered God meant for good by providing us with a need and (might I add) helping the family clear the vandalism from their yard.  Wow.  Look at God.  How amazing is that?  Some might think I should be embarrassed by this story, others may gasp as they read, "they couldn't even afford toilet paper?"  I look back on it with a huge smile. Through the eyes of 3 little children, God met our need in an amazing way that day.  Yes, God allowed toilet paper to rain down!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Roller Coaster of Life

The roller coaster of life with depression is full of twist and turns. Many may get tired of hearing about this ride but for someone on it, it is never ending.  Just when you think you have it beat the bottom drops out and you find yourself free falling for what seems like forever before you feel the cart hit the curve and you begin the upward climb out of it. The long climb expends every bit of energy you have. When you make it to the top you feel a rush of relief. Life seems clearer up here as you look out over it. You remain transfixed in that moment of time. Perhaps for days, weeks, maybe even months before you start to teeter. Any number of things can push you over that edge and before you know it, you once again feel that catch in the pit of your stomach as your emotions come rushing down. You don't know whether to scream or cry, it doesn't feel like you will ever get off this ride. So you stay buckled in and take each turn as it comes. You face each hill with determination and each dip with a resolve of not giving up. Every one has a track of some sort to travel. On mine, I have learned to enjoy the moments before I plunge and remember them as I trek uphill. The ride might be never ending but with that comes the promise that there will always be a top to view from, moments along the way to cherish, and dips that you will always recover from. Roller coaster ride? Yes, but I'm up for the challenge.

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Intentional Sacrifice

My mind tried to digest all I have learned from the Made to Crave Bible study as it wraps up today.  It was a difficult six weeks and at times I struggled to stay caught up, but I hung in there and saw it through until the end.  The last several days, okay maybe weeks, God has really been dealing with me on motivation.  Again, okay, laziness.  Yes, laziness.  I haven't wanted to exercise at all, I have written but not nearly enough, and I have put off writing this blog post because I knew once I put it out there things had to change and so it does.

Intentional sacrifice.  That is what it is going to come down to.  I love to sleep, too much.  It is important that I force myself up early everyday to spend time with God and writing BEFORE I am hit with whatever the day holds for me.  Those extra minutes I try to cling to in bed, forcing me to rush into the shower and quickly log into work must be sacrificed.  That time of sitting after I get off work to "relax"  until bed, a portion of it must be scarified to exercise.  Trying to calculate my calories in my head instead of putting them in my app, guessing if I am eating the right amount of calories doesn't work for me.  As a result, I must sacrifice that freedom for a strict calorie regimen and account for EVERY calorie in my app.

Planning.  I need to pencil in my sacred morning time every day before work.  I must create and stick to an exercise program for the week.  Finally, I will have to plan my meals, down to my snacks, daily to force me to stay on track.  Perhaps once I am settled into this lifestyle change I can lighten up a little, perhaps not.  Right now, in this moment of time, I have to put myself under a strict, planned regime or I won't succeed.  God's been telling me this in subtle ways, the Made to Crave Bible study has confirmed it.  I have recognized the areas I lack in and have a plan of action to correct them.  So, today I start a stricter leg of my journey.  These changes sure aren't easy.  It's not fun to admit I am lazy in certain areas of my life; however, changes can't be made without the truth being spoken and accepted.  Laziness be gone!  I can do this, you can do it too.  We can do it together! 

PS If you see me in the morning, ask what time I got up. If you catch me on here right after work, ask me if I have exercised yet!  When you see me on here at night, ask did you go over your calories today?  Yep, it's time to hold my feet to the fire!  Let me know if you would like for me to do the same for you!

~ Chelle, #f8ithgal