Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A January Weight Loss Update

I'm down to 224 lbs which doesn't seem too far in numbers; however, I can feel it in my body.  Last January I weighed 260 lbs.  I started my renewed commitment at 230 lbs.  So, do 6 little pounds make a difference?  Unbelievably, yes!  I don't breathe as heavy, having a positive impact on my asthma.  I have more energy and my confidence is returning.  It's not just the weight, but my outlook that has changed.  I am indeed getting back to the old new me and I am starting to see that gal in the mirror again.

I updated my weight loss photo album with January's picture today.  I chose an up-close shot of my midsection. While it may not be the most flattering, I felt it showed my progress.  I want others to be comfortable in their skin, I can't do that with out being comfortable in my own.  Beauty can be found in every inch of us, thus I decided on the midsection pic. Sometimes we have to embrace a little uneasiness in order to grow into that comfort.

Each of you have inspired me so much in this journey.  On those days I feel down, I log on and think, "I can't let my team down" and I suck it up and find something encouraging to post.  Coach Nina has kept me on track, Terra has been an endless well of encouragement for me, and Chastity and the Made to Crave Bible study are having a definite impact on my thought process and path to success.  I can't think you each enough for taking the time to like my page and read my post.  You drive me to keep going, keep encouraging, and just be me!

~ Chelle

Please take a minute to like my page on FB:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's Permissable But Is It Beneficial?

I read a Scripture in my "Made To Crave" Bible study this week that really had an impact on my journey.  "Everything is permissable but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive," 1 Corinthians 10:23.  Ponder that Scripture for a moment and reflect on how powerful it could be to your journey.  I have found it to be a huge help in my weight loss journey.  Just because I can have certain foods, doesn't mean I should.  I may keep my calories low enough for a solid week to afford me a large piece of chocolate cake with rich chocolate frosting each day, but how is that cake affect my sugar?  I may still lose weight by staying within my calorie count, yet increase my health risk my running my sugar too high with the selection of foods I consume.

That same verse can used to be carried over into other areas in my life as well.  For example, it is permissible in today's society to speak my mind, but are my words enriching others or tearing them down?  We have all been "taught" to think before we speak but how many of us really do it?  As I decide what to eat, choose what I post, or even what to speak, I will stop and ask myself, "It is permissible, but is it beneficial?"  Not only can this make my journey easier and healthier, but it may encourage another persons journey along the way.

~ Chelle

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Cravings Pesona

My cravings take the form of a black ink blotch. They might start as a mere speck with the desire for a piece of chocolate or sip of coke. As the craving intensifies, the ink seeps out further.  It becomes uncontrollable as it pours forth an urge for a piece of cake, maybe a glass of coke.  Before I know it, the ink has burst and spreads with an intensity for more cake, perhaps a 2-liter of coke will be consumed as the day dissolves.  A tiny dark blotch has spread into a growing black blotch that stains as it spreads through my body.  What form does your cravings take?

~ Chelle


Saturday, January 18, 2014


Oh my goodness the things the last two weeks have held.  The enemy has hit me every which way you could imagine.  He tried to attack my health, my finances, my mind, my relationships, but guess what?  I'm still standing.  Not only am I still standing, but I am more determined than ever to continue on this path I have started and I have a solid resolve to encourage you all along the way. 

My weight loss has been painfully slow, but I haven't gained back what I lost. I bought some special foods today in an attempt to help me hit this monster hard.  Losing weight is just not easy for me, does anyone else have this struggle?  I have regained ground on the health issues and the weather is clearing so I can get my butt moving again!  I'm trying to motivate myself to start Zumba again.  I have not and will not give up.

 I have had a couple of spending mishaps (Nina you are really going to have to hold me accountable in this area).  This would include the very unnecessary ring tone I purchased (on the upside, it is a positive one).  I also purchased a couple of upgrades to apps, a book for the Bible study I am beginning tomorrow, and a devotional that is in line with it.  The apps have been awesome in giving me the templates I have been using to encourage others.  None of these things cost much, probably under $10 for all of it so it hasn't been out of control.  I remember a time of eating out and buying multiple songs on iTunes daily, so I am making progress. But um yeah, got a ways to go!

How are you guys doing on the changes you want to make?  Are you following through?  Is there anything I can do do lift you up along the way?  Is there any area I could write on that would help, any areas I can post on that will aid your journey?  I need you to tell me how I can encourage you to keep going. If you don't want to write it below, please send me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you. keep in mind, we are in this TOGETHER!  I am thankful and blessed to be here with each of you.

~ Chelle

Friday, January 17, 2014

You ARE More Than Enough...

For all of my ladies who think you are not pretty or not good enough and all you have to offer is a good heart:

You aren't pretty, you ARE beautiful; you ARE rich in love and blessings; your body IS perfect just the way it is; and, yes, you have a good and warm heart. You are you, the wonderful you that God made you to be!

It's okay to want to make changes for the right reasons. Goodness knows I need to lose this weight for my health, but you need to be comfortable in your own skin and know you are so precious just the way you are! Look in that mirror everyday and tell yourself, I AM a beautiful, blessed woman of God. Speak this daily and before you know it you will be seeing that beauty reflected back, and walking in that beautiful lady's skin with confidence.

~ Chelle

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Vast Sea of Depression

I was coming out of a very bad depression when I wrote "Rescued From the Sea of Depression" and I have to admit that same sea has threatened to take me under several times since.  A friend's post yesterday reminded of where I was in my life when I wrote this.  It caused me to reflect back over the years since.  The enemy definitely knows our weaknesses and he certainly knows how to suck me back into those horrific murky waters.  Then I am reminded what the enemy means to pull me under the Lord uses for His good after He has lifted me out.  He turns those drowning spells of depression into a beautiful sea of testimony that can encourage and lift others out of their own murky waters.  I have survived that sea of depression, but it's currents are constantly trying to pull me back in. Ahhhhh, but I have a life line like no other and He always cast it before I drown.  You are not alone in that sea, send me a message if this is something you struggle with and allow God to use me as a buoy to keep you afloat as He pulls you into His beautiful ocean.

~ Chelle

Rescued From the Sea of Depression

I've been drifting in the sea of depression for several weeks now.... no, to be more accurate I have almost drowned in that dreadful sea.  I could feel the waves shifting all around me trying to pull me under.  I could hear it's roar drowning out all reason.  As the waters engulfed me, I found it almost impossible to scream out.  Deeper and deeper I continued to sink.  I felt as if I was drowning.  I had been isolated from the land of the living and cast into the sea of the lost.
My life lines all seemed to have been cut.  I didn't want to leave the house.  I had to force myself to work... I had to force myself to church (when I did go)... I had to force myself to get my daily post out on the computer and do what little responding I could.  The weight of my depression was pulling me to the bottom depths of it's sea.  It closed in around me like a darkness, I didn't want to be seen by anyone.  As it's tides grew and twisted, it drowned out the pleas to my Heavenly Father.  It's murky water seemed to fill my mouth and halt any conversation.
I knew my Father never leaves or forsakes His Children, yet I thought my depression had me so low that I would never be able to surface again.  It's seaweed had me bound to the bottom.  I thought it would hold me there until my last bit of air ran out and then spit my shattered body and spirit to the top.... but I have a Heavenly Father.  Let me say that again... I have a Heavenly Father and despite what I thought, my Father said it's not so MY child.  I told you before and I'm telling you again, you have work for ME yet to do.
At first, the seaweed tightened it's grip.  You know the enemy doesn't like for the Lord to win.  It was twisted so tight that I didn't really even want to fight.  But my Father.... my awesome loving, understanding Father kept chiming not so my child you have work yet to do.  I felt Him pulling me to the ocean... where there were so many people and I didn't want to be seen.  I finally gave in and went.  On the first trip, I saw His awesome beauty everywhere.  And my Father, always knowing what I need, seemed to clear most of the people away before my arrival.  I waded in and watched the water wash over my feet.  The seaweed began to loosen it's grip.  As the waves washed over my feet and then the water pulled back into the ocean, I was reminded of how Jesus takes our sins and washes them away.
Now , like I said, the seaweed was loosened meaning satan was losing power.  The waves of life began coming at me from all directions and I felt as I couldn't even catch my breath. I just knew they were going to suck me under... but I have a Mother, a Pastor, a a few dear friends that were there in the back ground praying me through.  I began to reach out for that life line that had been cast, but it seemed to drag just beyond my grasp.  Just as I was feeling completely overwhelmed and the tears were falling faster than a hard Summer rain my Father said it will be okay daughter, I'm drawing You closer to me and this will make your faith grow stronger in Me.
That awesome peace, that only comes from God, began to wash over me... and through me.  Day by day, the water began to clear from my mind.  I realized the seaweed didn't have me bound, all I had to do was let go of it and let God work.  It was time from me to emerge from the murky sea of depression and swim in God's beautiful ocean.  I am a child of God.  I bind satan and all of his power He has no authority over me and I take back my life that God himself has blessed me with and I will follow the path He has set for my life and do His work!
I went back to the ocean today.  I got into the water this time and the Lord showed me a couple of things.  As I went out the waves continued to come up higher and higher.  When my feet were firmly planted the waves shook me a little, but couldn't move me.  If I stay firmly planted in God's Word, In His House, in prayer the enemy can shake me, but he can never defeat me.  The second I let someone catch me off guard I lost my footing and fell, at that same time waves began to hit me and I had a hard time getting back up... but I did and I regained my footing... First, the Lord showed me I need to watch and pray and He will help me weather those high waves that life often throws our way.  Second, if I do lose my footing I won't drown... the Lord is my life line and no one or any thing can ever hold me under.
Are you drowning in the sea of depression? Are the waters of life pulling you under?  Look up to the hills that cometh your help...  the Lord lifted me above the waters and He can do the same for you. 
~ Chelle

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I had to laugh at myself yesterday morning.  The day before I had stepped out on a limb and was certain it would break and I would come tumbling down.  I worried all day after taking this step.  Constantly I was fighting every negative thought with a good one, yet worry was causing that branch to bend and twist beneath me.  The positive thoughts finally strengthened this limb I was balanced on and I let it go until morning. The first thing I did when I woke was check my account and God had worked it all out in my favor.  Silly girl. 

Favor.  I have God's favor over my life.  I don't have to be in control of every single detail. Now I am a control freak so sometimes I forget that and God has to remind me, okay a lot of times.  He did just that in this situation.  Today, while I was working, I noticed a tiny post-it I had taped to my desk.  On it, I had scribbled the words that had been spoken over me, "blessed and highly favored."  That's it.  I AM BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED!  All I have to do is claim it and walk in it.  I found myself laughing again, if only I had remembered this two days ago when worry was taking over.  Yes, I needed that reminder from God and I have no doubt I will need more.  But I am thankful for a patient Father, willing to guide me in the right direction when I begin to stray or need a reminder of who is in control.  Listen for that whisper, that guidance you know can only come from above and you too can be blessed and highly favored.

~ Chelle

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Made to Crave"

One of my friends just told me about a great online 6 week Bible study that is beginning on January 19 from Proverbs 31 Ministries.  It is called Made to Crave.  It is taken from the book by Lysa Terkeurst and centers around replacing food cravings with a craving for God.  The study is free, all you need is the book.  I purchased the eBook for just $2.99 (a lot less than a hard copy).  It can also be found in many libraries.  I am really excited about it (thank you Chasity) and wanted to share the information and link with each of you.  Feel free to join me and Chasity in this awesome study.

~ Chelle

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Beautiful You

I keep seeing a quote said in various ways and with various pictures making it's way around Facebook. It is meant to be encouraging and I have even re-posted it myself in the past. However, the more I think about lately the more it vexes my spirit. It goes something like, "I may not be pretty.... but I have a good heart." or "I may not be the prettiest... but I have good heart." The devil is a liar. That inner beauty can shine so magnificently that it is reflected outwardly. We all have a beauty about us, because each of us was crafted by the hand of God in His image. I have met pretty people and the more I get to know them the more that beauty begins to fade. Their ugly disposition takes on the outside of the vessel they have been blessed with, marring it. What do you see when you look in the mirror? If you do not see beauty, look harder. Ask God to reveal that beauty to you because it's there, He just needs to open your eyes to it. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Just a thought.

~ Chelle Prell, "F8ithgal"


Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Power of Thought

I completely understand the phrase making a mountain out of a molehill.  Really, we can turn virtually anything into a huge issue by kicking it around in our mind for too long.  All it it takes is one seemingly little negative thought.  If left unchecked that "little" thought will blossom into a huge bouquet of ill thoughts in record time.  I have been struggling with this the last couple of days.  I recognize it, that is a positive step in the right direction.  Now I have to actively force my thinking into the different direction.  This isn't easy, it involves the continuing process of squashing those negative thoughts with positive ones.   It is too easy for the negative to take control and once that happens it is very difficult to turn around your thinking.  Those negative thoughts will start to eat at you and multiply, before you know it they consume the positive ones.  As each negative thought pops into my head, I am going to say and write down a positive thought to defeat it.  I am going to keep this written in a journal as a reminder that the negativity can be subdued when attacked by positivity. I do not expect this to be an easy process, but then nothing worth conquering ever is!

~ Chelle

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 is (Y)OUR Year

It doesn't really matter if 2013 was good or bad to you, it's over.  2014 is a fresh start and it is time for each us to take control.  There is so much power in our thoughts and the words we speak.  Are you speaking life into the year ahead or defeat?  This is MY year and it is YOUR year, but it is up to each of us to make it happen.  We can support each other and offer prayer but it has to start within.  You have to have a stirring within yourself to make it your year.  You have to want it from the depth of your soul.  You MUST believe in yourself.  I am excited to take this journey with each of you.  We WILL be a success!  That's not to say it will be easy.  I can't promise rough times don't await ahead, because the truth is they do.  That's life, but it is the rough days that make us value and appreciate the good ones.  It is that situation you think you can't overcome that God uses to show you are not just an over-comer but a conqueror!

You are not alone.  Everyone that has liked this page will experience something in the year ahead.  Each person will have their own set of goals and trials.  While our experiences may be personal and may be our own we can support, encourage, and pray for one another.  We can lift each other up when we are down, encourage one another when we are struggling, and pray together when there seems to be no answer.   Thank you for joining me on this journey.  Feel free to share your journey and allow me and others to urge you along this year.  If your uncomfortable, you don't have to make your goals and trials as public as mine, send me a request in private and I will make sure you get the support you need.  Let's do this Team Chelle, 2014 is (Y)OUR year!

~ Chelle

A Bible Reading Journey

Have you ever read the Bible all the way through in a year?  I have taken this challenge on several times, but it has been too long.  I have renewed my commitment to do it again this year and would like to invite you to join me on this journey. Every time I commit to this I am blessed beyond words as God continues to teach me and show me hidden gems along the way.

This is the first year I have chosen this particular plan, "Stay-on-Track Plan- If you have trouble staying on track, this one-year plan will help. There are readings only on the weekdays, with weekends free to catch up or get ahead"  You can register for free at and pick your own plan or join me in mine.  I will post the readings each day.

I am excited to embark on this journey and would love to see you on this blessed trip!

~ Chelle

January Reading Schedule for the Stay-on-Track Plan: